Index > Five relistens that you should pay as much attention to as you paid attention to the stupid eclipse
Posted by Tabernacles E. Townsfolk (@billstrudel) on April 11, 2024, 10:08 a.m.
I’ll get to your rekistens later. I mostly don’t care or haven’t heard them, but The Sunlandic Twins is a very special album for me. Ir was one of the first albums I bought new on vinyl post-high-school and in fact I think was the source of those downloads Ken or Joe H. or whoever it was was talking about. I think they were 96kbps MP3s though I may have been into FLAC by then, and I know it was through a busted preamp with weak bass. The second LP has an engraving on one side with the bonus EP on the other; the last track (“Family Nouveau”) appears only on the vinyl. Unfortunately that album along with Cherry Peel and Satanic Panic in the Attic on vinyl, the latter with limited-edition poster, were lost years ago because I needed quick beer money. They’re probably worth a fortune now.
- Re: DEAD - Orenthal James Simpson (yes text) - Billdude April 11 9:55 PM