Index > As 2024 ends, so does my relistening project. The Final 5ive Relistens: > Re: As 2024 ends, so does my relistening project. The Final 5ive Relistens:
Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on Jan. 2, 2025, 11:18 a.m.
Rush, Presto - Forgot every single song on this album completely. Hell, I don’t easily remember what it even sounds like.
Rush, Vapor Trails: In spite of all the complaints about how this album as produced, I thought it was a good album (and in 2002, lots of other people did too–it wasn’t right away that the album became infamous for the overcompression problem!) That being said, I’ve only revisited “How It Is” very much over the years and can only remember three or four other songs.
The Velvet Underground, White Light/White Heat: Found this more intriguing for its place in history than the actual music.
Jethro Tull, Under Wraps - Bad album obviously, but I do perversely remember liking at least two songs from it (which is two more than Rock Island, but RI isn’t as hatefully remembered as UW.) Since I already re-did two of Tull’s weaker albums…
Swans, My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope To The Sky - I don’t remember a FUCKING NOTE of this. Or even any song titles. Or what it sounded like. What happened?!? Swans albums were all over the fucking place quality wise, from album to album.
Pink Floyd, Obscured By Clouds - It hasn’t been very many years since I listened to this, but I only remember “Wot’s…Uh The Deal” and “Free Four” very much at all. I recall several major reviews that claimed it was really underrated and a lost classic, but cannot recall why. Should have done it some time last year while I was doing all the other Floyd-related stuff.
I will still be doing relistens posts, but it’ll be for 20th anniversaries of albums from 2005 that I didn’t ever purchase. I’ll have to dig the list off my hard drive. And in the case of those albums, I only do one full listen while sitting down and one full listen to each song while walking.
Go hear Grace, it’s one of the smartest of all the 90s alt-rock albums, and full of interesting influences (torch balladry, found-sounds and Led Zeppelin in the same breath!) and he was a great singer! Don’t let Jeff Buckley’s looks, legend or Christgau calling him an a-hole bother you!