Index > 1 book, 4 movies, 8 albums > Re: 1 book, 4 movies, 8 albums
Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on April 24, 2024, 9:22 p.m.
I don’t think there is a 1980s retouch of Lumpy Gravy....what in God’s name would be the point anyway, of adding synths and gated drums to a fucking SOUND COLLAGE?!? Even a good one?!? Can you imagine “Revolution 9” with some pukey DX-7 synth-brass brapp noises in it?
Yes the Zeppelin tune is on PG. But you said post-Houses and much of PG was recorded between 1970 and 1973, before that album. It’s actually a weird hodgepodge!
I had seen the Pantera album cover berfore, and does that cat have any genitals? Its “underwear” is just a belt.
There are also ridiculous pictures of the band members in the mid 80s sporting spandex and poodle hair and looking like Stryper.