Index > It's been slow lately > Re: It's been slow lately > Re: Re: It's been slow lately > Re: Re: Re: It's been slow lately > In these days of obsessive, completest fandom > Probably 90+% of episodes are lost. Less in the digital age, but people don't do that. You can with WWF/WWE though (nt) > Is it really that high, with VCRs now having been around for over 50% of their history? > Re: Is it really that high, with VCRs now having been around for over 50% of their history? > We really need to make the main page deeper. This could be an interesting conversation but this will get one reply and die

Yeah, I'm still open to ideas that won't break the site on mobile

Posted by benjamin (@blev) on March 13, 2024, 8:01 p.m.

I’ll have to test whether limiting the characters in the subject line works. It could! Although honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if the problem is that the CSS framework I’m using, Bootstrap, just doesn’t like bullet points that are nested more than 7 times.

I’ve been able to follow threads like this just fine using the “recent posts” feature, but you definitely lose something without the tree structure.