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Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on Sept. 4, 2024, 12:44 a.m.

Nazareth, Hair Of The Dog: As far as dumb, sleazy 1970s hard rock bands go, these guys had a surprising artistic streak: if you know ANY Nazareth songs you know “Hair Of The Dog,” the classic dipshit bar-band number, or the OG monster ballad “Love Hurts”, but do you know “Beggars Day, a two part folk rock classic, or the dark, dirgey, atmospheric, synthesizer-laden nine minute epic “Please Don’t Judas Me,” which out Rainbows Rainbow? Or if you like bonus tracks, “Down,” “Holy Roller,” or a cover of “My White Bicycle” from Steve Howe’s Tomorrow? Try these, and we can forgive the shitty ripoff of “Black Dog” called “Changin Times” that I cannot get over the obviousness of. This album is okay. I listened because of the monster ballad hit which I suddenly feel strangely nostalgic for. i also want to try their debut album because George gave it five stars and I want to strike while the iron is hot.