Index > Video games that have been important to me
I don't normally think of even my favorite games as "being important to me"
Posted by Joe (@joe) on Nov. 19, 2024, 8:34 p.m.
but games that I have the fuzziest memories of are Super Metorid and Donkey Kong Country 2. Those are top tier games to me. I’d rate Super Metroid as the better game, but I don’t enjoy emposing artificial challenges on myself (like speedrunnning or trying to being it with 6 energy tanks or something) so at this point DK Country 2 is more enjoyable because Super Metroid has become too easy to play straightforwardly.
For memories/games I was obsessed with, the Exile games are way up there too, but nowadays I’d rather just play the Avernum remakes.
- Interesting video about the making of the notoriously awful 3DO DOOM Port - Joe Nov. 19 8:56 PM