Index > Did anyone watch the debate? I had to work. How truly fucked are we? (nt) > it's looking pretty bad
Re: it's looking pretty bad
Posted by Tabernacles E. Townsfolk (@billstrudel) on June 28, 2024, 5:42 p.m.
Honestly, the most I’m hoping for is that the scary Project 2025 stuff will be tied up in courts his whole term and runs into the reality of the political sausage factory. The DOJ isn’t going quietly if a bunch of political hacks want to take a sledgehammer to the rule of law. They’re elites: they have more pride than that.
Now as for foreign policy, sorry, NATO. Honestly it feels like the threat of being dragged into WWIII over a skirmish in Montenegro outweighs any benefit, which means Putin won.