Famous Amos Cookies
Posted by Mod Lang (@modlang) on Aug. 14, 2024, 3:45 p.m.
Anybody ever eat these? I remember them being good but nothing special. Chocolate chip cookies all tend to taste pretty similar, at least the mass produced ones. Home baking is a different story - I used to enjoy baking peanut butter cookies, nice and soft and chewy.
- At one time they sold them at Burger King. - Joe Aug. 16 7:01 AM
"You have been identified as a SUCCESSFUL AFRICAN AMERICAN BUSINESSMAN!!!" - spam email I got -
Aug. 15 9:12 PM
- One time I got one of those "Nigerian Prince"-style emails - Joe Aug. 20 3:47 PM
- I had great memories of them as a kid - benjamin Aug. 15 8:50 PM