
Babble is back

Posted by benjamin (@blev) on Jan. 21, 2024, 11:15 a.m.

Hey y’all. Babble is back!

I hope you find it recognizable. I ended up remaking the styling, but I tried to keep most of the original 90’s web design touches—hopefully it feels familiar enough to you.

A few notes:

  1. As you might have noticed, the site has an accounts system. I am hoping this will help to mitigate the trolling and spam that would occasionally pop up on the old website. This will require email verification so it’s not as trivial to make new spam accounts. Hope that’s not a problem.
  2. I also intend to write up some rules. For now, you can just keep in mind no hate speech, no racism, no homophobia.
  3. To help with 2., I’ll be looking for some moderators. I’m not entirely certain who the previous moderators were, but if you are interested in helping moderate the site, feel free to email me at blev (at)
    I expect there will be some bugs. Please message me with any bugs you find or features you’d like. Again, you can email me at blev (at) for that stuff.

The site will cost some money to keep running so I created a Patreon to help fund it moving forward.

If you want to help support the site, I appreciate whatever you can chip in. As a little bonus for supporting the site, there are some benefits like you can change the site slogan and image header. You also get a different color username depending on what tier you support at.

That’s all for now. Welcome back! Looking forward to reading y’all’s posts!