Index > Revisiting the fall 2013 movie binge I went on, 10 years later.
Posted by Joe (@joe) on Feb. 26, 2024, 7:40 p.m.
I have see:
12 Years A Slave - we already talked about this
Gravity - It’s like a potboiler story from Analog Magazine turned into a big expensive blockbuster. I enjoyed it, but I haven’t rewatched it.
Lone Survivor - This was okay, but it would have been better if it had been made by a director who didn’t rely so heavily on closeups of gruesome injuries to communicate the brutality of war.
Pacific Rim - I saw this in the theater and it was fine.
The Wolf Of Wall Street - It’s okay, but it seems like a project picked by a studio executive, and it’s probably only regarded as a great movie by people who like Scorsese for the wrong reasons.
Not a great bunch of movies. What do I want to see from your list that I haven’t?
The Counselor
Blue Ruin
Inside Llewyn Davis
What else will I eventually get around to dutifully watching?
I was going to post all the movies from 2013 in They Shoot Pictures' top 1,000 of the 21st century -
Feb. 26 7:57 PM
- Re: I was going to post all the movies from 2013 in They Shoot Pictures' top 1,000 of the 21st century - Billdude Feb. 27 8:37 PM
Did you see Cold War? -
Feb. 27 5:03 PM
- Re: Did you see Cold War? - Joe Feb. 27 9:34 PM