Index > What's Spinning - December 2024

My pick for new header image

Posted by Tabernacles E. Townsfolk (@billstrudel) on Jan. 3, 2025, 6:08 p.m.

He’s some TikTok influencer with 22 million followers, the population of a small country, but I can’t be fucked to look up who he is (beyond his name, Tony Lopez) or what he’s famous for.

Seriously TikTok is the worst thing ever. You have people in the break room all watching loud videos that are changing every few seconds, and even though I don’t really have sensory issues (except a couple weeks ago when I had to go home) but I can’t get a damned minute’s peace with the noise pollution (which rock and roll ain’t). There’s some feature that autorepeats so the same however-many seconds repeat over and over and over again while the phone’s owner goes to the bathroom or coffeemaker or microwave or whatever. I go on break to rest, not to fuck around on my phone. That makes time go faster, anyway, which is the last thing you want on break. Fuck TikTok, and fuck the CCP, too.

But I don’t know why I find this picture so hilarious. The hair, the ridiculous, high-upkeep grooming; the pouty lips, or that he looks so smug and like he thinks he looks good and he’s hot shit. He’s not even that hateable because he looks so goofy, the picture just cracks me up. And on some level, this is what every Gen Z male aspires to be. This guy is literally in real life an alpha. And he perms his hair and pouts for his 22M followers and is already richer than I’ll ever be. Plus, he sucks as a boxer. I still don’t care enough to hate him and every time I see this pic I crack up. Seeing it as the header image every time I check Babble would brighten my day, at least.