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Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on Sept. 5, 2024, 9:56 a.m.
Sheeee-it, boy, I may have to read that book about Campbell and Dianetics. I didn’t know this stuff.
Some of the “old men in new times” themes in RTHC rang true but I don’t know about all of it. I know the guy who played Heck has been singled out as a weak link (most of the cast, it appears, went on to good careers.) I mentioned the “helping Mariette Hartley” thing because I have my suspicions that it’s a bit easy to forget what McCrea and Scott are even signed up for, and I almost forgot that Scott is planning to steal the gold by the time McCrea pulls that gun on him.
I never really knew what to make of Straw Dogs except that I think it’s probably best regarded as a watchable artistic failure. I’ll expound on this if you want (we’ve probably already had the conversation) but I’m pretty firm in that, whereas Pat Garrett probably needs a rewatch. Alfredo Garcia and Cable Hogue are perfectly good. I only watched his Julian Lennon video once before he died and I only found out a couple weeks ago when looking at his filmography that he directed a fucking SPARKS video!!!
Most of the other rockers on Get A Grip were the usual mess of “listenable but forgettable.”
“God Is Dead” on the final Sabbath album has a decent air of unease about it, but it goes on for a fucking nine minutes. In general, 13 seems to have been accepted as a more or less decent album. I want to cite the Van Halen, Blur and Slowdive reunion albums as examples of good reunions, but in Van Halen’s case the songs were written before their debut album!!!
You don’t need to watch Covenant before the new one, if you ask me you don’t need to watch it at all, if you do watch it and you thought the characters in Prometheus were stupid, you’re going to throw your remote across the room when you watch Covenant.