Index > What's Spinning - September 2024 > Steve Albini and cancel culture > Steve Albini and cancel culture Pt 2 > Quillette? Ugh > Is there really anybody > Roger Waters

Re: Roger Waters

Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on Oct. 7, 2024, 9:57 p.m.

Albini also got the ever-loving shit kicked out of him in high school, and he didn’t even have his glasses on in his yearbook pic! No way did that not help formulate his persona.

I did know about him being friends with the c.p. guy but forgot about it. Then again, Jeffrey Jones still got to be on Deadwood after all the trouble HE got into…

Johnny Rotten got a lot of good press and apologies from the media about a decade ago, for saying back in the 1970s that Jimmy Savile was a pervert and that he’d like to kill him, for which he (Rotten) got into a lot of trouble because most people still thought Savile was a good guy back then. Then he blew it by getting into Trump.

Am I too American to watch that recent miniseries where Steve Coogan played Savile? Is there a lot I just wouldn’t get? Is Paul C still here, would he know this?