Index > DEAD > And > And and > And and and > What pantyhose did to fingerlicking > It's a story about one musical act that ended up being more commonly attributed to someone else > The example of that phenomenon that I always think of is
Re: The example of that phenomenon that I always think of is
Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:24 p.m.
The puppy one is probably derived from the infamous Alice Cooper chicken concert from back at the beginning of his career. Just like Polybius is probably derived from Candle Cove!! (or not.)
The jizz story I thought was usually attributed to Rod Stewart (gack!) or Elton John (oh okay), not a woman.
Frank Zappa pooping on stage is another one.
Rod Stewart??? -
Oct. 2 8:37 PM
- Re: Rod Stewart??? - Billdude Oct. 2 10:44 PM
- That stomach-pumping story has resurfaced about Tim Walz (horse semen in his case) (nt) - Tabernacles E. Townsfolk Oct. 1 12:28 PM
- It was actually John Cale who decapitated chickens onstage - Mod Lang Sept. 30 11:12 PM