Index > 5 relistens that you're too old for, plus a 20th anniversary listen from 2004
Posted by Joe H. (@joeh) on May 6, 2024, 11:13 p.m.
It is amazing how dinky and goofy True Stories is but i do like it. interesting perspective of Talking Heads as a goofy power pop kind of band. Wild Wild Life is a classic but i always liked Love For Sale as well. Yhe movie I dont know much about but i did see a review on it from one channel i follow on youtube. Looks like one of those artsy kind of movies about suburban America with weird quirky characters and I guess John Goodman is in it too. I don’t know if i will bother to watch it but its interesting that it exists.
I thought I always liked Ghost Is Born but I can’t remember most of the songs. I heard Spiders in recent years and what a fucking banger that one is. Total krautrock groove that i would never expect from this band. I dont mind that it goes on a long time because that is a fucking killer track. One of my favorites. And I like the cute “Hummingbird”. Def need to revisit this album myself.
And that David Crosby album. I don’t have much interest in CSNY but I do want to hear that one more.