Index > R.E.M. and Duran Duran are quintessential grocery store music, prove me wrong > Re: R.E.M. and Duran Duran are quintessential grocery store music, prove me wrong > If it makes you feel less old, Rihanna's "Umbrella" and Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle" play more than all of them > I actually haven't heard "The Middle" in a long time > The absolute worst is the one the samples the "Munsters" theme > Re: The absolute worst is the one the samples the "Munsters" theme

Re: Re: The absolute worst is the one the samples the "Munsters" theme

Posted by Tabernacles E. Townsfolk (@billstrudel) on April 11, 2024, 9:31 a.m.

That’s the one! I didn’t listen but I read the lyrics, and “I can move mountains, I can work a miracle, work a miracle” jumps out like a stone. The, Fall Out Boy, the. I’m glad it’s seem to have run its course until it can afflict future generations when it’s all over oldies radio in 20 years.

Here’s a song for you. I think you’ll like it:


British metricization grieves my heart and it always restores my faith in humanity a bit when the BBC gives distances in miles. Why once-proud Britannia would willingly surrender her own units for a dusty soulless Enlightenment relic is beyond me but imperial units are entrenched enough that I don’t think they’ll ever truly go away. It’s easy to be conversant in both, you don’t have to follow the crowd to know what they’re talking about.

This tangent being because kittens are only six inches tall. Who was that jabroni from New England who ran for president in 2016, was polling well, proposed we convert to metric, and then his numbers sank like a stone and no one ever beard from him again to the point where a politics-watcher can’t give you his name eight years later? You bring a tear to my eye, America.

Really as a white guy I don’t perceive minorities or immigrants as a threat at all because it’s a white man’s country and it always will be (as a simple statement of fact, not ideal), and as long as the culture is, in the main, an offshoot of European civilization with many twists and turns, the population could be 80% minority and I’d be cool with that. Colonialism was a strategically brilliant long-term move, though it was probably the result of simple greed. Ironically I think pax Romana imperialist tolerance is considered a white supremacist attitude but I don’t think that’s the case at all, I love everybody, it’s just big-dick energy. This reality will become more acceptable as worldwide politics continue to realign to pro-democracy forces vs. fascist assholes. I’ve become comfortable makjng common cause with literal communists. It’s an interesting historical moment to be alive. Ster would probably blow a gasket if he were here right now.

Sorry, 10:30 is my last call for weed on workdays, I’m just musing.