Posted by Joe H. (@joeh) on Jan. 27, 2024, 12:17 a.m.
Ive been meaning to check out that Chris Bell album. I dig his songs on the first Big Star album a lot. It’s a shame he left right after their first album and then died so young in a freak car accident. He definitely had more potential as an artist but its nice there was enough material for a posthumous album.
I am really curious about The Curse. Ever see The Rehearsal, his other show? I did more reading about it then seeing any of it but it is an intreging and cringy funny concept.
Listened to Brian Wilsons first debut solo album recently. I feel like as time goes on I like it more and more and realize how great it is. At first I hated the production but I kind of enjoy it now honestly. It fits the music well somehow. It has this kind of surreal otherworldly feel.
Was also curious about what songs that were exactly recorded on Buddy Holly’s last “apartment tapes” demo that I’ve heard some stuff from before. It is really good stuff. Very sad about his untimely end only like 2 months later. I have too much of a morbid fascination with really talented artists that die way too young and tragically. This demo had some very sad unrequited love songs too surprisingly, even though he just got married and was having a kid on the way. Seems like he was still hung up on an old girlfriend. “Dearest”, “That Makes It Tough”, “Playing The Game”.. really beautiful songs.
Also: Mcclusky’s “Do Dallas”. Kind of forgotten band these days for some reason but this is one of the best “post hardcore” albums ever. Really intense yet catchy and some funny ironic lyrics.