Index > PHIL COLLINS IS WORKING ON NEW MUSIC!!!!!!!! > Hey BD > I've heard of the Telescopes > Yeah, well, have you heard of Tangier Island, Virginia?
Posted by Tabernacles E. Townsfolk (@billstrudel) on Aug. 22, 2024, 10:38 p.m.
The Eastern Shore has some of the most archaic accents because before they built the bridge, no one went there, and it was settled in the 17th century.
My great-grandparents lived on the Northern Neck, on the Virginia mainland but isolated because it’s rural and nobody went there until the bridge also. They pronounced “bath” as “bah-th” like southern England, as well as “kyah” and “gyah-den” for “car” and “garden”. You can blame television and radio for bulldozing weird accents.
Scroll to “velar palatization” in phonology (in layman’s terms, a Y sound after K and G sounds) and and Virginia Tidewater Accent (for the Northern Neck). My mom still says “e-u” for “ou” (close to the Canadian “ou” but a bit different – Pat Buchanan still pronounces it this way, if you watch interviews.)
- The only Virginia island I was familiar with was Chincoteague - Billdude Aug. 23 9:41 AM