Index > Video games that have been important to me > Back in the late 1980's, I was obsessed with old school arcade games > I see that you have Contra on both lists.
Posted by John S (@aae9841) on Nov. 23, 2024, 5:42 a.m.
I enjoyed playing the arcade version of Contra, but the NES version added a couple of new levels as I recall. And the NES version was a surprisingly good port of an arcade game for its time. It just looked, sounded, and played great. I played to death in high school.
Yes, the arcade version of Rygar was a straight forward platformer. It came out in 1986, and was a good looking game for its time.
I liked the NES Rygar, but I never finished it. A friend of mine had it. It was a mix between action an puzzle. My friend beat it, but it had no save state and took him a long time. One afternoon, he had to very carefully “save” his progress by leaving the Nintendo on, but shutting off the TV monitor. His family went to the public swimming pool.
He later came home and beat the game, and he wrote down the congratulatory words at the end. On a piece of paper, and showed it to me.
I have since watched You Tube walkthroughs of that game. God bless the modern Internet.