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Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on Feb. 20, 2024, 2:48 p.m.
I think the BOC debut is far superior…but I already said that. Uhm, as for Agents Of Fortune, it has three classics - “Don’t Fear The Reaper,” “E. T. I.” and “Debbie Denise.” So yeah, it’s going to beat an album I don’t think has any classics on it. Of course, T&M doesn’t have anything as godawful as “Sinful Love” or “Tattoo Vampire,” two of their worst songs.
I never heard the Ingmar Bergman album–I skipped it. I also haven’t heard the two most recent Sparks albums. Hippopotamus was not that great but it wasn’t bad either. You’d have no idea that the two guys who made the album have a combined age of about 150.
The ” Sparks is New Wave in 1971!!!” thing is almost wholly an invention of the glowing WRC reviews of the album; go ahead, take all of the ten minutes necessary to try to look up any other reviews of that album that exist on the Internet–the album was a poor seller despite being released under two different titles and I don’t think it even ever made it to CD–and see how many of them mention “New Wave.” I agree that “Fa La Fa Lee” sounds a bit like “New Wave in 1971” but not much of any of the rest of it. Of course I do give the album some credit for sticking out the way it did back then but it sure didn’t fool record buyers. As for the term WRC, God knows who besides me is still digging through the sites, but I will do so as long as I’m listening to albums that got reviewed there. Feel free to look and see if “WRC” as an acronym stands for anything else.
“But since all CCR pretty much sounds the same, I guess more CCR is better CCR” - I’m really no fan of this idea at all to tell you the truth; it’s part of the reason I’ve not dug deep into the discographies of AC/DC or Motorhead, and won’t dig deep with the Ramones. Most reviews agree that Fogerty’s originals are not so hot on that first album, but then again I didn’t find as many reviews as I thought I was going to.
I think the Airplane’s best album handily destroys the rest of their discography and will certainly not be hearing any Starship albums any time soon though I will cop to liking “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now.” You can flush “We Built This City” down the toilet, though!
The Ballad Of Todd Rundgren is technically credited to the band “Runt,” not Todd Rundgren the solo artist, but I guess that couldn’t matter less.