Index > 2 books, 4 movies, 7 albums > Is that Jam the US or UK version? > I listened to "All Around The World" along with the rest of it. > Jennifer Egan > I can actually probably name only about 20 Elvis songs

I'd think that by this point, ridiculing rock bands for being too old is for old people.

Posted by Joe (@joe) on Dec. 29, 2024, 10:19 p.m.

Someone in college now isn’t old enough to remember the rise of any real rock band. Big alternative bands are as old as The Stones were in the ’90s. It requires some cultural perspective to even think that real rock stars should be young.
The Stones rocked harder than either Floyd or The Doors. And The Doors seem more tied to a specific time period than The Stones do. Granted, when I got into The Doors I think that part of their appeal to younger listeners was the way that they evoked a fascinating time period in rock history, I have no idea how that’s seen now.
At least when we were in high school/college I’d agree that Zeppelin, Floyd, Hendrix, and Doors were more popular than The Stones, but did more young people then or now actively listen to Elvis than The Stones? Or does Elvis just have more stature as pop culture wallpaper?