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Nobody should ever give me money for anything I've ever written in any context

Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on March 27, 2024, 11:21 p.m.

that’d be the end of civilization, bruh.

It’s so great that the URL for this block of text is “retarded.html,” this thing qualifies for r/facepalm on Reddit:

“My characters definitely are not politically correct. They may not even believe in man-made global warming or fifty four genders. Even WORSE, women are actually attracted to men in my stories and they are not always fighting gender wars with each other (which infuriates the cultural marxists, because to show a sensual woman, in their mind, is to degrade her–women are only to be portrayed from the neck up, in their new unbending manifesto).”

Well, yeah, I mean man-made global warming is such a problem in all these science fiction stories, isn’t it?

“Sleeping With Hitler’s Wife” and “The Loneliest Man Who Ever Lived” really say a lot, huh?

How’d you find out about this guy?

You probably weren’t serious but I’d rather eat my own foot than re-read the GOT books.