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I found out about him because my library currently has a big display of all of his books.

Posted by Joe (@joe) on March 28, 2024, 6:17 a.m.

I actually found out about him because someone posted Sleeping With Hitler’s Wife on r/badscificovers

And someone posted this excerpt in the discussion

”Marion’s breasts bounced forwards and backwards with every thrust. Her breasts looked even larger when they hung down from her like that. The sight of them moving in response to his lovemaking was the most erotic sight Calle had ever seen. He felt his penis tingling with increasing urgency as he watched her big jugs move back and forth. The firelight illuminated them in totally erotic colors, dancing on the surface of her titties as they bounced in every conceivable direction. Calle felt himself rapidly crossing a line that couldn’t be uncrossed. “Ah… ah… aaaaahhh!” he cried. He gasped as he felt himself emptying the contents of his balls deep inside of her. Life-giving fluid transferred from Calle into Marion, the ultimate act of love.”

If you click on the book covers you find back-of-the-book type summaries which often give the word count. The books are thousands of words long. Parasites Love Earth is advertised thusly “At over 780,000 words long (Version 11!), this is the longest novel you will ever read in your life. “ For perspective, A Dance With Dragons is the longest GoT at 414,788 words.
Also, read the summary. Or better yet, the free sample (all the books have them)

t’s so great that the URL for this block of text is “retarded.html,”

lol, I didn’t notice that. One a page where he’s excoriating other people for their lack of self-awareness.

On badscificovers reddit forum there was also a post from 3 years ago about Journey to the Year 1,000,000,000, and people commented that adds for it kept popping up on Amazon. It sounds like that “The state of science fiction today” essay was his Amazon bio at one time.