Index > RECOVERED > 100 Dead Jack Russells > In other words, food for Metallica > I got a transplant in January > Re: I got a transplant in January > I cheat on my diet all the time
Posted by Tabernacles E. Townsfolk (@billstrudel) on Aug. 17, 2024, 11:51 p.m.
I take it you can’t have potassium chloride in place of salt. That stuff tastes so weird that I’d rather go with Mrs. Dash or just have it plain. Salt-free seasoning mixes should be a bigger thing than they are.
I’d do poorly with diabetes because I have a positive view of sugar in beverages: a full-sugar Monster will give you a huge dose of B-vitamins and easily digestible carbohydrates (the caffeine is nice but a gimmick). You can skip breakfast and then show up at work with a Monster and it will keep you going till lunch, which will keep you going until you go home. There is a dizzying array of sugar-free energy drinks, which really is a contradiction in terms. If you don’t need caloric energy, you don’t need an energy drink. Coffee is much cheaper and has more caffeine.
My kidneys are kind of weird. I’m on lithium so I get kidney tests with my bloodwork, and at some point about ten years ago I must have had some kind of renal injury because I got proteinuria (lowest level flagged in a urinalysis) and my electrolytes are kind of screwy in tests (most recently my chlorine was high). It hasn’t advanced since then.