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Re: Re: Seven Samurai, Dragon Inn, Crumb

Posted by Joe (@joe) on Jan. 28, 2024, 9:55 p.m.

I thought Goodbye, Dragon Inn was a movie about some kid’s love for the original film? I guess it’s something else? I was planning to watch it soon. Both Dragon Inn and Goodbye, Dragon Inn are on Kanopy, at least for me (I think the available titles are somehow dependant on your library system).

There are alot of uncomfortable parts in Crumb, but I enjoyed watching it. Alot of it was funny too. I guess I consider “uncomfortable” and “tough to watch” to be different things that don’t necessarily overlap. Your mileage may vary, but that movie is pretty beloved on this board, from what I remember.

“I’ve also heard that at least for the racism in his comics, it was mostly parody but I’m not sure how true that is.”

He said that he doesn’t think about what he’s trying to do with those elements when he draws/writes the comic, he can only peel back what they mean retroactively when he goes back and reads them. I haven’t read through the comics myself, and you can only get so much out of pieces of comics you see in a movie, but it doesn’t seem like you’re going to be able to neatly unpack the relationship between parodies of racist ideas through caricature, racist caricatures done as shock humor or as expressions of general shit-on-everyone misanthropy, and actual racism. Same thing with alot of the misogyny, although we get alot more insights into his feelings about women in the movie then we do about his feelings about black people.

Not all his drawings of black people are racist

This was probably a project that he really wanted to do. Early in the movie he says something to the effect that he only feels good about humanity when he’s listening to old 78s of pre-war blues (maybe other music too, but that’s what we see him listening to) and that was a kid he’d go around black neighborhoods knocking on people’s doors trying to get old records. Not to say that liking black music means that he’s not racist.