Index > 2 books, 4 movies, 7 albums > I didn't think that the 185 minute Andrei Rublev existed anymore, but I guess it does?

Late reply, didn't want to reply using my phone

Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on Dec. 28, 2024, 8:43 p.m.

I can’t remember what the current Criterion of Rublev has on it; I watched an old one, where “The Criterion Collection” was still written across the top. Who’s “Ryan”? Capn Marvel?

If you don’t have OCD or completism, screw Heretics and Chapterhouse. They don’t really take the plot anywhere interesting; the main conflict is between the Bene Gesserit (who haven’t changed in thousands of years, for whatever reason) and the “Honored Matres,” a society of super violent women with insane sexual urges. Heretics actually has Arrakis/Dune being destroyed at the end of the book and I was hating the book so much that it barely registered.

I think you can skip Collateral Damage; like most Schwarzenegger movies made after about 1996, most of the world skipped it, too.

If there are people nostalgic for the way late 90s syndicated junk like Xena looks, the way there are people who like, say, 1950s Western TV shows’ appearances, well that’s far weirder to me than people who like 1980s synthesizers or something like that.

Regarding your other post, I do remember being impressed with a Toland shot in Best Years Of Our Lives that featured a grocery store with loads of signs hanging from the ceiling, but aside from that…it’s not like the movie looked bad or anything, it’s that it just sort of didn’t occur to me until reading reviews to think about its look. But I’m a philistine, the hell with me. I’ll rewatch the film someday. I hate myself when I have lukewarm or negative reactions to classics.