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Posted by Tabernacles E. Townsfolk (@billstrudel) on Feb. 12, 2024, 9:31 a.m.

just because while the “read more…” links help tidy up the page, with no way to see if there are new messages it’s kind of an unofficial death sentence for a thread.

Eh, I have a personal bone to pick with Elon Musk in particular. The 2006 me was definitely “at risk” and if I had been that age today I would definitely either be red-pilled or close to it. Thankfully life intervened, and I went four years in the late aughts and early 2010s without internet and it basically saved my life.

Elon Musk is what happens when a self-absorbed douche (pot kettle here, but I’m not a douche!) has too much money and a constant desperate need for validation by his SMPFKAT* army of people who look up to the dork. His followers are like 4chan swifties and the guy has such an awful fucking sense of humor even as he tginks he’s one of the greatest wits ever to have lived. He’s the world’s most reproductively successful incel, and a terrible father on top of that.

I mean I don’t know, I find it very hard to believe that you could live any kind of full life receiving no female attention whatsoever just in the natural course of life. and the problem is with them and their bejowled “genius” philosopher-king. Fuck that dude.

  • the Social Media Platform Formerly Known As Twitter. That’s not its real name; Musk changed Twitter to an unpronounceable symbol of Goatse opening the Thitd Eye of Infinity.

Also he and Greta Thunberg are probably the two most visible people openly on the spectrum and Elon Musk does absolutely no favors to the image, at least.