
Do you think this song is effective?

Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on Aug. 23, 2024, 9:40 a.m.

It’s been described as a “Frankie Teardrop” for the 2020s, or “the intersection of Lana Del Rey, Godspeed You Black Emperor and Nine Inch Nails.” I wonder if someone hated “Frankie Teardrop,” would they hate this? This is from 2022 and the album got a lot of acclaim apparently, and has a plot about a cannibal psycho trying to hunt Ethel down and kill her?

Ethel Cain, not her real name, is a bisexual transgender who still considers herself a Southern Baptist, for what it’s worth. She called for the assassination of Joe Biden earlier this year, too. I think the “stop, stop” part is pretty sick and effective, but some of the rest of this is a mess. I found this in a Reddit thread asking “what’s the most disturbing song you’ve ever heard”