Index > Do you think this song is effective? > At the risk of sounding like an old person, can anyone even tell what that song is about without having to read the lyrics? > The best thing about Suicide > I don't think we have AI bots > Re: I don't think we have AI bots > Re: Re: I don't think we have AI bots > We have that at home. > Oh, I get it > Re: Oh, I get it > Great > The best part is its ability to follow directions. > Well that was pretty useless > Well at least > The only thing I like to use AI for > I usually only play with the language models > I think it's the formula that annoys me.

Re: I think it's the formula that annoys me.

Posted by Joe (@joe) on Aug. 28, 2024, 7:39 p.m.

The formula is probably just there to make us think AI is easy to spot, so that we can’t spot it all the other times that it doesn’t use it.

When you read those descriptions you need to imagine them as the voice-over for TV commercials.

So is the blackberry, dark chocolate and CHILI supposed to kick into your stomach at precisely the moment that they tell Carole Kane “it’s coming from inside the house!” or what.

It’ slowly builds throughout the first act until the intensity really kicks in that moment. Then as the second act moves in your stomach starts to feel weird, like you’re not drinking the Coke you started off with anymore. You don’t understand what this feeling is building to or why it’s happening. Then your stomach starts to feel like you’re laying on the floor of a dive bar while some rando kicks you in the gut.

Alot of those drinks are spiked with something weird that I don’t want in my Coke, and I’d include Haxan. Cloves? Although it’s a different kind of ridiculous that Man With a Movie Camera has spring water in it. You want water in your coke?

It’s fitting that What The Bleep Do We Know sounds disgusting. Remember Blue Pepsi? It was gross, and I suspect that chai would not have been the remedy.