Index > 4 books, 6 movies, 7 albums > Re: 4 books, 6 movies, 7 albums > Bloody death and hate > Limp Bizkit is my pick for the worst big band of that era. > Re: Limp Bizkit is my pick for the worst big band of that era. > Re: Re: Limp Bizkit is my pick for the worst big band of that era. > Re: Re: Re: Limp Bizkit is my pick for the worst big band of that era.
Posted by Joe (@joe) on Aug. 13, 2024, 6:19 p.m.
Sorry, not to be a tease, but I agreed not to share the details of this incident online because they thought it was on private (but not residential) property, although the ownership hasn’t changed since the keys were buried and was obviously not going to change, and the owners didn’t want it spread around. Nobody was hurt or arrested though, it was nothing scandalous. I can tell you that the treasure hunter rejected the conventional wisdom as to the general location of that treasure, and their reasoning didn’t make any sense. They weren’t anyone that I knew.
The really absurd part was their motive. Sure, it was just a game to win some jewels AT FIRST, but once they found all the treasures and became famous and had documentaries made about them the whole world would learn about all the work they put into this search. It would be really inspiring to everyone, and make people look at their lives in a new way, and people would start really believing that they needed to put aside all of their conflicts and start working together to make the world a better place!
I am not pulling your leg. A person I met in real life thought that they were going to solve the secret, become a streaming service documentary celebrity, and inspire some sort of Golden Age of Man.
Also, someone found a real third one in Boston in 2019.
- Re: I had a weird encounter with someone trying to solve The Secret. - Billdude Aug. 14 11:20 AM