Index > 1 book, 1 TV show, 4 movies, 11 albums

Re: 1 book, 1 TV show, 4 movies, 11 albums

Posted by Joe H. (@joeh) on Feb. 28, 2024, 1:15 a.m.

Yeah I saw a review of The Killer that basically said how the whole movie was Fassbinder talking himself up like hes the best hitman and then proceeding to fuck up anything he does. It sounds like a comedy. It’s sad how mediocre so many great directors have become nowadays. i mean it just seems like such a halfassed kind of movie for Fincher to make.

I saw In Bruges sometime maybe 10-12 or so years ago but barely remember it. Just remember the setting and the comedic bickering between the two main characters. One of those films i need to also rewatch sometime.

I might be a rare person who has never really heard Bat Out Of Hell in full at all ever! Only clips of stuff on Vh1 back in the day or the big singles. I was never interested in overblown over the top kind of shit like that (which is why i stupidly also avoided most prog until 8 years ago or so in my 30s) but in my older age i am curious and I do appreciate the legacy of how the album was made. It still does blow my mind that Rundgren produced it, even though i knew about that for awhile now.

Seems like you like recent later period Beck! I haven’t heard it but I keep hearing how he fell off and is so boring and uneventful now. You never know. I only remember Nausea (real catchy song, cool rhythm to it) from The Information but I do remember enjoying that album a bit from listening when it first came out. The title I Think im In Love.kind of rings a bell too.

..and that’s everything i could ever say based on your post