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Re: Re: 1 book, 1 TV show, 4 movies, 11 albums

Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on Feb. 29, 2024, 11:32 p.m.

It’s been said that Fincher did this movie because the killer’s obsessive nature is similiar to Fincher’s own OCD habits making his films, which have driven some of his actors nuts, like Jake Gyllenhaal on Zodiac. I really think that Fincher’s biggest problem isn’t his OCD, but his nose for trashy material to make into movies.

I do NOT feel like listening to Bat Out Of Hell II, which was Meat Loaf’s big comeback in 1993 and which was produced by Steinman, not Rundgren. (The last thing Meat Loaf did before BOOH2 was a cameo appearance in Wayne’s World the previous year. That album contains his biggest hit, actually, “I’d Do Anything For Love But I Won’t Do That.” Which I don’t like.

Beck…some notes on where he’s been since 2008
1)Had a nasty spine problem for awhile, which is why he didn’t do another album until 2014
2)Won the Grammy for Album Of The Year in 2014 for Morning Phase which apparently everyone thought Beyonce would win, and went up to give a speech, where his onstage behavior indicated that he really wasn’t expecting to win
3)Morning Phase is a sequel to Sea Change, one of my ten or fifteen favorite albums ever, but it (MP) was annoyingly derivative of the original album, IMO, so while I did like some songs from it, it really irked me artistically. (Amusingly, George Starostin hated it.) Whether it has gone down as a big classic with the public remains to be scene–you’ll find dissenting opinions on the vast majority of Beck albums, barring possibly Odelay and Mellow Gold. (Sea Change, as reading the reviews for all these Beck albums has made painfully clear, is actually the “love it or hate it” Beck album–it got glowing reviews from a lot of mainstream publications, but plenty of people didn’t think Beck should try to do a serious or emotional album at all!!!!)
4)He made Sea Change after a painful breakup with someone he’d been with for awhile, which inspired how sad it was; Hyperspace was made after he filed for divorce from the redhead from Dazed And Confused.
5)I have not heard any Beck song in public that I know of since “E-Pro” which was in 2005.