Index > DEAD > And > And and > And and and > Dammit, I liked him. > Kristofferson wrote some songs that other people did great covers of. > I don't really care for "Me And Bobby McGee" > Re: I don't really care for "Me And Bobby McGee" > Re: Re: I don't really care for "Me And Bobby McGee" > Re: Re: Re: I don't really care for "Me And Bobby McGee" > Re: Re: Re: Re: I don't really care for "Me And Bobby McGee"

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I don't really care for "Me And Bobby McGee"

Posted by Joe (@joe) on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:49 p.m.

I didn’t mean that they kept making the movies because the previous ones had been popular, I just meant that the popularity of the books spurred people to continue trying.

I had indeed heard of the Harrison Bergeron movie.

In 1950 his short story Report on the Barnhouse Effect, which is also in Welcome to the Monkey House, was adapted for the sci-fi radio program Dimension X. The radio program only makes sense if you believe the fallacy that flipping heads on a coin a bunch of times in a row makes it less likely that the next coin flip will also be heads (I forget if they’re flipping a coin or rolling dice in the story, but it’s the same idea). I haven’t read the story, but most of the episodes were pretty straightforward adaptations.