Index > Epic Bob Dylan biopic starring Timothée Chalamet > They made a movie in 2007 where six name actors played various incarnations of Dylan > I always thought they should do a Bowie biopic using that format > I can't tell if there's any chance that could happen, or not....because... > Re: I can't tell if there's any chance that could happen, or not....because...
Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on Aug. 2, 2024, 11:23 p.m.
Jeebus. He made that shit up. He totally made it up. No doctors have come forward to say “hey I treated BOB FREAKIN DYLAN after a motorcycle crash” either, I bet?
England Is Mine made less than $400,000 worldwide. Whether that’s just due to the film sucking ass (which it does) or that Morrissey’s fan base finally got sick of him being a racist jerk so he really does have no one ever anymore, I don’t know, but the Wikipedia article claims the actor who played Morrissey didn’t know much about Morrissey when he was cast, and the director tried to keep it that way. Almost nothing happens in the movie, it’s just some kid working a crappy office job in Manchester in 1977, and at the end of the movie someone who looks slightly like Johnny Marr shows up and the Smiths are formed. It’s so generic that I found myself WISHING there had been some dumb “Ray you’re the first person to combine gospel with R&B!” moment in the film.
There are no Smiths songs in the movie, no, and Morrissey himself either didn’t see the movie and didn’t make a statement, or just sniffed at it, I forget which.
I saw Nowhere Boy, and actually didn’t think it was that bad–mostly because it avoided Beatles references until the end. I don’t know how many people saw it (and there’s never really been a big hit Lennon movie, for all the actors who have played him–hi there, Christopher Eccleston!–so you know there’ll be another one someday) but Aaron Taylor Johnson seems to have gone on to a legitimate career; to my knowledge, he’s likely to be the next James Bond.
I know that you don’t have to look exactly someone to play them, but are you seeing David Bowie or Morrissey in these pictures?