Index > Teeehee > Does anybody here read Harper's? > Used to be a lot of copies laying around the house when I was a kid > That's about right > I thought Vollmann was a lot older than that > I listened to an interview with him recently

Re: I listened to an interview with him recently

Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on July 28, 2024, 1:30 p.m.

I don’t have much in the way of plans to read Vollmann unless everyone here started crowing about him. I can name some stuff in that vein that I liked but I bet it’s far less likely to have the effect on me that it would have when I was 25.

I’d never tell you not to read loads and loads of articles about art and shit, I do that all the time myself and it’s usually compulsive clicking. I’ll pass on McSweeney’s, though–I was never into that sort of thing much at all, though it was nice to find out that Dave Eggers’ big best seller wasn’t terrible like I was figuring it would be.

God knows how any of these people make money. God bless their intellectual hearts