Index > Teeehee > Does anybody here read Harper's? > Used to be a lot of copies laying around the house when I was a kid > That's about right

I thought Vollmann was a lot older than that

Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on July 26, 2024, 5:28 p.m.

He’s just in his 60s? That’s nothing now.

3000 pages of violence? Did he get pounded in high school? I never read any of his stuff, I just remember him being name dropped at this board a lot around 2005-2007 when all you guys who read books were dropping the names of postmodern behemoths and the guys who write them a lot.

Was Harper’s a “quirky” magazine? I seem to remember it being something like that? The kind of thing Tom Wolfe would have made terrible fun of?