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Re: Re: Re: New extensive Phil Collins interview

Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on Dec. 23, 2024, 4:49 p.m.

Regarding artists not remembering their own chronologies very well, I remember seeing Paul McCartney saying somewhere (a Google auto-complete interview, I think?) that most people knew the Beatles chronology better than he ever will, and he lived it, and that stuck with me. For some reason I almost perversely want to respect him for it.

Phil saying that “Wot Gorilla?” is a highlight reminds me of Brian Wilson blurting out that 15 Big Ones was his favorite Beach Boys album (or at least Prindle said that he said that) or some of Stephen King’s bizarre opinions about what his best work is.

“Mike Portnoy being forced to learn a Nickelback song on the fly” is not a sentence I would ever like to read even if he DID improve it.

“first classic Genesis member to pass away” - Hey man, Mr. John Mayhew would like a word with you.