Index > Five relistens that you should pay as much attention to as you paid attention to the stupid eclipse

Re: Five relistens that you should pay as much attention to as you paid attention to the stupid eclipse

Posted by Ken (@ken) on April 10, 2024, 11 p.m.

With only a handful of exceptions Kevin Barnes is the only one who plays on every Of Montreal album starting from Satanic Panic onwards. Are you going through their whole catalog? After a decade of steady decline in the 2010s I gave up after the excruciating “Ur Fun”. Can only listen to diminishing returns so many times before i have to admit Barnes isnt making a comeback anytime soon.
Sunlandic Twins was among the first albums I ever downloaded oddly enough. The Bonus EP songs are better than the actual album. The bass line of Wraith Pinned to the Mist is one of my fav licks to play when im noodling on guitar. I love the remix version of “Requiem for O.M.M.2” on the Satanic Twins remix album.