Index > Cool > Glad you made it! > I figured if the board was going to have logins I'd better claim my username asap. > Heard some good things about the Peter Gabriel album > B. D. > Re: > I still buy used CDs > My music-buying habits > Is your intention in buying the albums to support the artists? Streaming is just so much more convenient (nt)


Posted by Tabernacles E. Townsfolk (@billstrudel) on Jan. 23, 2024, 11:02 a.m.

Plus Spotify is killing music and there’s a lot missing. YouTube has just about everything. There’s only one song I can’t find at all abd maybe only a dozen available only in different versions.

I buy the used CDs for the packaging. They’re pretty impossible to get rid of short of a thrift store.

Besides, with convenience: it’s some work to rip the CDs, tag them, and then convert them to Opus and transfer them onto your phone (or a 512GB SD card – I need a 1TB soon) then you’re good forever. I have about 1.2TB of music on my computer, backed up across two internal hard drives, a SATA SSD, and an external hard drive in my dresser drawer.