Index > Best three album runs > Some that others haven't mentioned (I think)

Re: Some that others haven't mentioned (I think)

Posted by Joe (@joe) on Dec. 16, 2024, 9:01 p.m.

I always thought that For Those About To Rock was considered classic AC/DC by everyone who liked the band, and didn’t realize that was a controversial opinion until B.D. brought it up when he was bashing it. I’d also point out that their partisans on Babble/The old WRC usually liked Flick of the Switch, which I guess is more controversial in the wide world. So if you’re partial to Brian Johnson you could go with those. But if we’re talking about AC/DC, the Let There Be Rock should also be a candidate.

I’ve always been a big Cream fan, but I don’t think I could defend that as one of the best 3 album streaks anymore.

Bomber came out between Overkill and Ace of Spades. Some of Bomber is great, but it’s too uneven to work for this.

For Metallica, I like Kill ‘em All as much as the next three. It actually used to be my favorite. Justice is the one I enjoy the most now, but that’s because it was the one I didn’t know as well as their other classic albums for a long time.