Index > Epic Bob Dylan biopic starring Timothée Chalamet > They made a movie in 2007 where six name actors played various incarnations of Dylan > I always thought they should do a Bowie biopic using that format > I can't tell if there's any chance that could happen, or not....because... > Re: I can't tell if there's any chance that could happen, or not....because... > Re: Re: I can't tell if there's any chance that could happen, or not....because... > I googled that word > A blackamoor is an old term for a melanoderm. Maybe he meant that (nt)

Where I was remembering that word from

Posted by Billdude (@billdude) on Aug. 3, 2024, 11:10 p.m.

is from this old text-based “game” called “The Lurking Freeper” which appeared on the Internet when George W Bush was still president and had you playing some right winger with a gun blowing away various targets that right wingers would hate. You can’t find it anymore at all but the text examples were something like this:

-GAY PERSON: “Hello sailor!”
-(you type “shoot him”)
-With a mighty blast, you send the disgusting sodomite home to his lord and master, Satan.”
-(you type “go forward”)
-There’s a preacher here, but he’s some sort of BLACK NEGRO DUSKAMOOR!!!
-PREACHER: “Woooo!!!”

It stuck in my head. Trying to Google the game (and I know that’s what it was called) turns up nothing. Just like I can’t find that Alice Cooper pinball game from 2008 that was a tie in for his crappy album that year.