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Re: Re: Re: What’s spinning?

Posted by Joe (@joe) on Jan. 29, 2024, 12:05 p.m.

George Lucas said the thing he stole was the idea of the epic story being told through the two smaller characters, the two peasants who inspired C3PO and R2D2.

I always knew that. I didn’t realize that people thought it was “because they rescue a princess,” and I think the idea of someone watching Hidden Fortress and thinking, “They’re rescuing a princess in this movie? So THAT’s where Star Wars got the idea!” Is pretty funny.
If there was ever going to be a scene in Star Wars where R2D2 and C3PO contemplate raping Princess Leah, I think it’s a good idea that it was cut.

Of course Yojimbo is the one that’s probably been ripped off the most.

Yeah, and within its own genre, it’s pretty clearly the Kurosawa movie that most of the films following in its wake were patterned after.

openly admitting on screen to being sexually attracted to that young boy in the pirate movie

Bobby Discoll in the Disney Treasure Island. That was made more disturbing to me by the fact that it’s one of the movies that I watched most often as a kid.

On the other hand, Robert Crumb was attracted to Bugs Bunny…

…and it got Paul C to claim that “so much journalism these days is like elaborate trolling”

I have to second Paul’s assessment of that article.