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Re: Re: Disagree about Hereditary

Posted by Joe (@joe) on Oct. 10, 2024, 10 p.m.

Ugh, you mean that scene where Graham charges at Dollarhyde through the window in slow-motion, where Dollarhyde would have been able to see Graham from like a mile away?

TBH, I don’t even remember that. I just remember the song was in the movie and I liked that part. Maybe I even thought it was objectively stupid and just enjoyed it on some other level. I don’t really want to rewatch it to find out.

I still like Pan’s Labyrinth alot. I rewatched it a couple of years ago and its minor flaws are just stuff I don’t like in alot of movies from the era (like overly green tinting). I was all ready to be the Board’s lone Shape of Water defender, but when I finally got around to watching it I thought that it actually sucked.

I really like the original Elm Street, Dream Warriors, and New Nightmare. IV has alot of the series’ best sequences, but it’s kind of soulless and assholeish (unsurprisingly when you look at who made it).

II is just a typically middling sequel. It actually feels more like a werewolf movie than an Elm Street movie.

V is like the good ones, but bad.

VI, which has the Iron Butterfly sequence I was referencing, is awful and does not feel like the rest of the series.