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Re: Re: I know I've pointed this out before but

Posted by Joe (@joe) on Feb. 26, 2024, 3:20 p.m.

Rockin’ in the Free World is from his 1989 comeback album Freedom (although most of the album doesn’t sound like that).I guess it belongs more to his ’90s output than to his wayward 80s output that mostly seems to have been made to troll David Geffen.

I remember people here liking the CSN album from the late 70s, and Southern Cross is remembered, but surely nobody has ever cared about anything after that. Their live shows always incorporated material from the various solo & duet albums, so I don’t think they really needed those albums as an excuse to tour.

I wonder if anyone else feels that I do if Deja Vu is the end of the 60s and the beginning of 70s stadium rock.

I think it feels like the last real “hippie” album that wasn’t anachronistic (I’m not familiar with Donovan but I know he gets made fun of for pretending the ’60s didn’t end). As far as the dawn of stadium rock, maybe it symbolizes a transition but it was happening whether or not CSNY were part of it.

But do they outrank the Stones or the Who?

They didn’t have the visibility of The Stones or the ironic line from “My Generation,” but The Stones and The Who were never that married to such a short time period in most people’s minds.